Upgrade WLC / Supplementary image
Today I had to upgrade an AIROS cisco 2504 WLC. After checking if the APs are supported by the new recommended version I noticed that I had to install the supplementary image also. The reason was that 1602i APs wasn’t supported by the main image in version. Due to image size cisco created separate file for some AP images called Supplementary AP Bundle image. Procedure: Step 1: Check the current WLC image (Cisco Controller) >show boot Primary Boot Image............................... (default) (active) Backup Boot Image................................ Step 2: Upload the new image ( AIR-CT2500-K9-8-5-171-0.aes ) I did the below procedure via HTTPS. Verify (Cisco Controller) >show boot Primary Boot Image............................... (default) Backup Boot Image................................ (active) Step 3: Check Supported APs of the new version (Cisco Controller) >show ap bundle primary Pr...